Wolf Sanctuary

We took a family trip to Wolf Sanctuary yesterday.  It was something that Scott has wanted to do for years and I can't believe it has taken us so long to do it!  The wolves were so beautiful and it was really really awesome to hear them howl.  I definitely want to go to their full moon tour someday very soon - I think it would be a perfect date for my handsome hubby and I - anyone wanna babysit???  ;)  

Can't imagine life without our Kinderpack!  With Layni on my back, both Scott and I could take pictures - doesn't happen often, but I love seeing how we capture different things (and often a few of the exact same thing).

Aren't they gorgeous??

My little photographer in the making... :)

A few more pics of my spaceman.

I love how he is studying the helmet here:


Pretty much everyday I get to see these incredible eyes peeking out from behind this mask.  E loves pretend play - especially as a "spaceman".  He also loves wearing his daddy's helmet.  I love seeing him use his imagination.  He is a special little man - love him to pieces!

Beautiful Family - Beautiful Friend

Linds and I go way back... to Jr. High if I remember correctly.  Some of my very best high school memories were made with her by my side - we played softball together for years (Go MAGIC! hehe) and tennis also, in fact we were doublers partners a time or two.   I vaguely remember getting hit in the back with a serve when I was at the net (that was you Linds right?? lol!!).  And now here we are years later.  Both with families of our own!  Linds, thanks for being my friend through the years - your family is so gorgeous, it was a pleasure to capture the love you guys share on film!

Little Miss is ONE.

Can not believe a year has gone by. Whoever told me that after having kids "time flies" could not have been more right! I thought Ethan's first year flew, but Layni's is a complete blur! She was born on her Pappy's 59th birthday - so on Monday, the 3rd of January, my dad turned SIXTY and my sweet baby girl turned ONE - two huge milestones for two equally special people. Love my daddy and my baby girl so very much ~ Happy birthday to you both!!!

Layni is wearing a dress made by her mama!