
I take pictures of family and friends. Though I am, first and foremost, a WIFE to my handsome husband and MOM to my two beautiful babies.

More than Photography

This blog isn't just about photography for me - my hope is that it will be a journal of sorts for my children to discover a little more about who I am - what makes me tick. I love photography, always have, but I also want to share my other hobbies and happenings. I want to document the little things that make me smile.

Tea Party for Two

Layni met a new friend this week... Raggady Anne.  I found this little antique child's size folding table and chairs at a local antique shop and completely fell in love (Raggady Anne was offered with the table and how could I say no to her?!).  It is just what I have been looking for - so cute, folds flat, and just the right size for little Miss Layni.  I couldn't help but set up an impromptu tea party for Layni and Raggady Anne - after all they needed to become acquainted!  I think the party was a success and the girls hit it off quite nicely!

I found this tea set at an antique shop for $5 - needless to say I was very excited and the kids love it, so much so that several cups and plates are already in need of super glue... 

Tea parties are fun!

Looks like Raggady Anne had a little too much "tea"...

Spaceship to Heaven

Ethan just told me that a long time ago he went up to heaven to see God.  He said that a spaceship took him there in his sleep.  In his words, "in a spaceship silly".  I love the way he says silly.  When I asked him what happened next he said that Kenny was there and he was alive.  Pretty awesome.  Kenny was a dear family friend who passed away nearly a year and a half ago - just before Ethan turned three.  I am amazed that Ethan still remembers him so well - he often will talk about how he wants to fix Kenny's heart because it "stopped beepin" (Ethan says beepin' instead of beating).  I hope he continues to hold onto the memories that he has of Kenny and I hope that God sends a spaceship for me so that I can visit Kenny in my sleep too!

put your gloves up.

Not gonna lie - I kinda forgot about this blog.  Well, that is lie.  I didn't forget so much as just plain avoid.  I find it so much easier to just upload pics to Facebook for my friends and family to view...  but my sweet hubby informed me today that he misses my blog posts and that alone inspired me to get my butt in gear.  

Again, not gonna lie - I wasn't thrilled when Scott surprised E with boxing gloves.  Scott insisted that he got them for E to "exercise".  Really I think Daddy missed the boxing he did in his younger years and was thrilled that he would have a new opponent ; ).  How can a Mama say no to such cute boys?  Seriously though, the gloves that Scott is wearing are actually mine from my Tae-Bo/kickboxing days... and I am kinda jealous when I see him wearing them!  I am thinking of putting some Billy Blanks on and swiping my gloves back! 

So here are my boys, one grown and one munchkin, having some fun in the loft of our barn.  You can see that Daddy is having just as much fun as E. 

impromptu newborn shoot.

I love newborns.  Everything about them is perfection.  I haven't photographed one in awhile and was craving some newborn squishiness.  Well it just so happens that a very dear friend just had a baby boy this past Thursday and when I stopped by to pick up her big boy for a playdate with E I snapped a few pics of the sweetest little brother ever.  I will be going back Thursday for more, but here is one for now!


Ethan loves hopscotch right now.  Every single time we go outside he asks to play.  Love this kid.

Happy Easter!

kentucky bound

I am holding a sleeping baby who refuses to stay sleeping if I lay her down... so for now I will share a few photos from Layni's and my mini-vacation to visit my beautiful friend Maria...